social media
Jason McCool worked as a professional social media consultant for over five years, and consulted on a pro bono basis for years prior to that. He has hosted public social media events, has been interviewed regarding best practices in social media, and has spoken extensively on social media and the arts. He served as the Arts Liaison to the Social Media Club of DC for two years, and was invited to present a talk on social media in the arts for CityPop in Jamaica Plain, MA.
Past clients include:
Aeronaut Brewing (brewery and arts/community space)
Blue Heron Choir (Boston-based Renaissance choir)
theatreWashington (DC-based organization advocating for DC theatre)
National Philharmonic (DC-based orchestra)
District Karaoke (DC-based competitive karaoke league)
Solas Nua (DC-based Irish arts organization)
Greater Boston Vintage Society (event and fashion--driven social group)